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Feel free to drink water

 Feel free to drink water

Take comfort in drinking water

In all ancient diet theories and systems, all diet theories recommended reducing drinking water in order to avoid water retention in the body, and these theories are now outdated and proven to be incorrect. In fact, drinking water is not as strong as the desire to eat food, and it can be controlled and our habits modified according to our desires, but in reality we get our water needs while eating a piece of fruit, or eating a plate of salad (70 of which contain water), or drinking a cup of tea or... Coffee. Water is also found in all foodstuffs, even solid ones. The body always works to maintain a constant percentage of water, amounting to about 70% of its weight, otherwise we will be exposed to health problems such as dehydration, cracked skin, and the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, a lack of water causes problems for the kidneys, and the body also maintains the concentration of salts dissolved in water and fixed within. Tissue. The adrenal gland works to regulate the previous processes, and when the percentage of water exceeds the required limits, it activates the kidney functions to get rid of excess water... However, when there is a water shortage due to lack of drinking water - intense heat - an increase in urine production), the adrenal gland secretes it as a means of defense. Endogenous) is the hormone aldosterin, which reduces urine production through the kidneys. In both cases, the body works to achieve balance, and an imbalance in this mechanism does not occur except in some pathological cases or when several mistakes are committed. Based on the above, drinking water is considered beneficial and in the interest of those interested in losing weight. In some types of obesity, fluid retention may occur in the body. Dr. Bernfeld says: The water added while drinking is equivalent to the water stored in the adipose tissue and increases and decreases automatically with the adipose tissue, and this is what leads to weight stability...
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